Interact Club of Zahira College Colombo's Official Logo


About Interact

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 14 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting.

Club membership varies greatly. Clubs can be single gender or mixed, large or small. They can draw from the student body of a single school or from two or more schools in the same community.

Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of

  • Developing leadership skills and personal integrity
  • Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others
  • Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work
  • Advancing international understanding and goodwill

As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact. Today In Rotary International District 3220, there are more than 2000 Interactors in approximately 80 Interact Clubs formed in Colombo, Kandy, Galle, Jaffna and Matale.

So, Join Interact Council/Interact District is?

When there are five or more Interact Clubs in the District, a District Interact Organization may be formed. Therefore, the Join Interact Council is the District Interact Organization that coordinates and supervises the work and services of Interact Clubs in the District. It serves as a bridge among the Interact Clubs and the Rotary Clubs. It also organizes activities for Interactors of the whole district.

Interact In Zahira College Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Interact Club of Zahira College Colombo, which is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Colombo Mid Town is one of the most active interact Clubs in Rotary International District 3220, Asia Zone VIA Sri Lanka.It has processed a numerous number of community service projects and has preveledged in winning several citation awards throughout the past few more in about us

Interact Invocation

Instill in us oh lord
the true meaning of friendship
Never let us forget that we are thy children
That the differences of Cultures and creeds should not matter
Endow us with the desire to serve our fellowmen
Remembering that we too often need help
At all times when the need for service arises
Caring to make our badge of Interact worthwhile
Tell us that we have not lived in vain.

Pledge of Allegiance to the National Flag of Sri Lanka

I salute the national flag of Sri Lanka
which signifies the independence of my country
and stands for all its people
united as one nation
I pledge allegiance to Sri Lanka
and undertake to work
towards its peace and prosperity
in a spirit of tolerance and Love

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